The Best Quality Gloves Product With Highly Recommended Of The Year
The Best Quality Gloves Product With Highly Recommended Of The Year
Award dari Kementrian Perekonomian dan Koperasi UKM
Indonesian Business Professional & Education Award 2016
Sarung tangan yang nyaman digunakan, tidak mudah robek. Bahan juga lentur, memudahkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan.
Gloves that feels thin but comfortable to use, does not tear easily. Materials are also flexible, making it easy to carry out medical checks.
Sarung tangan nitril dengan kualitas bagus. tidak mudah berubah warna dan tidak mudah robek meskipun dipakai dalam waktu lama. produksi jadi meningkat karena kerja jadi lebih efisien.
Nitrile gloves with good quality. Not easy to change color and not easily torn even though used for a long time. Increased production due to more efficient work.